Tkaczynski, Jan Wiktor

China’s environmental policy in terms of European Union standards. Von Jan Wiktor Tkaczynski und Lukasz Gacek

It is beyond dispute that both China and the European Union stand to gain from promoting low-carbon development through the dissemination of clean and renewable energy sources, as this inevitably leads to increased environmental protection.

Who is Winning the Green Race: China or EU? It is beyond dispute that both China and the European Union stand to gain from promoting low-carbon development through the dissemination of clean and renewable energy sources, as this inevitably leads to increased environmental protection. The depletion of fossil fuel resources and the accompanying changes in the global energy mix make Europe and China not only competitors in the global economic race, but also nolens volens partners.

ISBN 978-3-8471-1211-2     50,00 €  Portofrei     Bestellen  
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