Propaganda and Neutrality. Global Case Studies in the 20th Century. Edited by Edward Corse and Marta García Cabrera

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This is the first broad-ranging, comprehensive and comparative study of the concepts of propaganda and neutrality. Bringing together world-leading and early career historians, this open access book explores case studies from the time of the First World War to the end of the Cold War in countries such as Belgium, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland, Vichy France, USA, Argentina, Turkey, Portuguese Macau, Brazil, South Africa, Laos, Yugoslavia, Egypt, India, Malta, and Sweden. The individual chapters analyse the methods and channels of propaganda utilised in neutral countries, including rumours, newspapers, cartoons, films, pamphlets and magazines as well as radio broadcasts, official reports, diplomatic movements, cultural campaigns and soft power.
[Informationen auf Deutsch im Video]

ISBN 978-1-3503-2553-1 0,00 € Bestellen

They look to understand how these methods and channels have been deployed and how effective they have been in changing or reinforcing opinions and outcomes. Finally the book highlights the interaction between the concepts of propaganda and neutrality. It considers whether neutrality is a form of propaganda in itself, whether it is possible to be truly neutral in any propaganda battle and how the different forms of neutrality, including projected strict neutrality, non-belligerency and non-alignment, have been utilised by neutrals and belligerents to achieve propaganda goals in the last 120 years.

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Die Herausgeber / Edited by:

Dr Edward Corse specialises in the history of propaganda and has a long-standing connection with the University of Kent. He completed his PhD at Kent in 2011 on the role of the British Council in neutral countries in Europe during the Second World War. He has been an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for the History of War, Media and Society since 2018. Source → University of Kent

Dr. Marta Garcia Cabrera: From 2022 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). Source → FU Berlin

Remote Video URL

Studie deckt massive Propagandamachenschaften auf! | Dr. E. Corse & Dr. M.G. Cabrera
Neutralitätsstudien Youtube 23.01.24

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