Hrsg. Dr. André Haller und Hendrik Michael

Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture [Englisch]

 978-3-86962-418-1;Haller-Scandalogy.jpg - Bild

Mitte März 2018 skandalisierten Medien die Datenberatungsfirma Cambridge Analytica und den Milliardenkonzern Facebook wegen fragwürdiger Methoden, die während der Brexit-Kampagne und des US-Wahlkampfs 2016 Anwendung fanden. Die Affäre um die beiden Unternehmen machte deutlich, dass viele Skandalfälle nicht an Ländergrenzen Halt machen und je nach kulturellem Hintergrund unterschiedlich beurteilt werden.

ISBN 978-3-86962-418-1 29,00 € Portofrei Bestellen

"Scandalogy 2: Cultures of Scandals - Scandals in Culture" vereint aktuellste Forschungsergebnisse internationaler Forscher zum Themenfeld "Skandale". Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der Skandalberichterstattung, etwa durch eine Langzeitstudie in Großbritannien oder durch eine Analyse der Berichterstattung über Spionage im Kalten Krieg in den USA. Andere Beiträge widmen sich Online-Skandalisierungformen wie dem sogenannten "Shit Storm".

Der Sammelband richtet sich an Forscher und Studenten, insbesondere in den Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften, der Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie. Die Befunde sind außerdem für Berufspraktiker, vor allem für PR-Berater, Pressesprecher und Krisenkommunikationsexperten, von hohem Interesse.

How certain actions lead to mediated scandalization and public outrage is an indicator for the specific scandal culture
of a society. For instance, sex scandals used to end political careers in the USA. The prominent case of Anthony Weiner
illustrates this point. Nevertheless, the case of Silvio Berlusconi shows that there may be a different 'Mediterranean
scandal culture'. In Germany, power scandals as well as misconduct concerning German history and political culture
are characteristic types of scandals. However, with larger political and technological trends in mind, it seems evident that
scandal cultures are mutable - although by a long process.

This book examines such phenomena because a closer look into scandal studies shows that a deeper analysis of cultural
factors in the process of (non-)scandalization remains unexplored, particularly in the fields of journalism and PR. In this
publication international researchers therefore present desiderata of scandalogy for cultures of scandals and scandals in culture.

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The editors:

André Haller

André Haller (PhD in Communication Studies) occupies a professorship for Marketing & Communication Management and Digital Marketing at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tyrol. From 2012 to 2019 he was researcher at the Institute for Communication Studies of University of Bamberg. His research focuses are political and strategic communication (particularly campaign communication), scandals and media, and new developments in journalism. His dissertation Dissent as a communicative instrument (2013) examined intentional self-scandalization by politicians during campaigns. His work has been published in international and national journals like Information, Communication & Society, the Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies and Communicatio Socialis.

Hendrik Michael

Hendrik Michael is a research assistant at the Institute of Communication Studies at the University of Bamberg. His research focus is on theories of journalism, journalistic genres, and narrative forms. He received a PhD from the University of Bamberg. His thesis highlights how reportorial practices and narrative strategies are utilized to report on urban poverty in American and German mass periodicals of the late 19th century. From 2014 to 2017 he was a doctoral fellow of Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst. His research has been published in Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte, and Medien&Zeit.

Erstellt: 20.12.2019 - 05:39  |  Geändert: 02.12.2020 - 17:57